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ak006 *

Mais Monsieur Marcœur, comment se fait-il…

| BOOK 104∼pages

      SORRY ONLY FRENCH SPEAKING WRITINGS → «In a few stories, i would like to tell you what happens there from time to time, what we sometimes experience there and what it is ultimately with… SACEM { Controversy french copyrights company }. And how appearances are sometimes only apparent and often tend to remain so…». A very beautiful naughty & clever book delicately edited in 6 x 9 size, nice !

Texts chiseled by Albert Marcœur & «photomontaged» by Plonk & Replonk on the happy theme of french copyright. And its full color ! Eyes happiness…

Printed & bound in 2014 by Plonk & Replonk éditeurs & the LABEL FRÈRES |
ak006  |

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