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Forguette Mi Note

      FORGUETTE MI NOTE was born in Tours (france)  in 1986 ; Among the musicians who composed this group were : Ben Bernardi (future Cornu) ← drums & choirs + Julie Bonnie (future Cornu) ← violin, vocal & choirs + Rod Chambaud ← percussions, vocal & choirs + Sylvestre Perrusson (future Rubin Steiner Band and Croque-Love) ← double bass & choirs + Nicolas Richard ← choirs & organisation + Claire Touzi Dit Terzi ← vocal & guitar…

The adventure happened nine years during which they travelled across europe for more than 600 concerts and released two full∼lengh albums { «Gargouillis» in 1993 & «Cruciforme» in 1994 }. The dissensions within the combo in particular between both (strong) personalities of Claire Diterzi { who admits having «screwed up shit in the band and leaving part» } & Julie Bonnie  are at the origin of its dissolution in 1995…